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Advertise on this website/The Rife Forum
Are you involved in the electotherapy business?
Do you write books, DVDs, software or even make frequency devices?
Looking for a cost effective way of reaching your target market?
We offer you the opportunity to advertise on two of the top Rife related websites:
- Rife Research, Europe
Provides information to the public about modern "Rife" related research, clinical studies and background information. This compliments Stan Truman's that concentrates on historical documentation., along with are the two most linked to independant Rife related websites for general information on the subject.
- The Rife Forum
Is a modern online forum based on the popular and professional vBulletin engine. With over 5500 members and growing steadily, the Rife Forum reaches more people, interested in Rife technology, than any other platform. A new monthly newsletter also serves as a means to make announcements to about 5500 members who have already expressed an interest in learning about Rife technology.
For example, we can provide your organization with a highly targeted advertising platform within the Rife Forum. You can decide if your ads are only seen by Rife Forum members or can be seen openly on the internet.
For example, we can provide your organization with a highly targeted advertising platform within the Rife Forum. You can decide if your ads are only seen by Rife Forum members or can be seen openly on the internet.
We have put together a range of advertising packages allowing Rife vendors to advertise their products on a non-USA based platform including a package for online support, as well. You can optionally have your own forum area where your customers can discuss your products within the forum for example.
Simply want a banner advert? No problem, we can place your ads on the Rife Forum (rotating banner) or you can even hire a fixed location on a (free) page of your choice on this website.
Costs - we can be flexible and should be able to find a way of fitting in with your budget.
Have we got you interested? Then use the form on the right to learn more.