Bibliography John Holt - Royal Rife Research - Europe

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Bibliography John Holt

Research > Dr. John Holt

The Effect of Compounds E, F, and A on the Bone Marrow of Normal Guinea Pigs
J.Anat. Nov 1954 (Jointly with Yoffeu, J.M. et al.)

The Physiological Castration Syndrome in Breast Cancer
Brit. Med. J. Nov 27 1956 (Jointly with Hadfield, G.J.).

From ? Epidermal Naevus to Mycosis Fungoides to Sarcoma
Med. J. Aust. 1:642-646 25th April 1964 (Jointly with Bremner, J. et al).

The Acute Radiation Pneumonitis Syndrome
J. Coll. Radiol. Aust. 196, 8:40-47.

J. Coll. Radiol. Aust. 1964, 8:59-77 (Jointly with Vaughan, B.F.).

The Management of Patients suffering from Bronchial Carcinoma
J. Coll. Radiol. Aust. 1964, 8,3:237-242.

A Trial of Thiethylperazine ("Torecan") in Patients Suffering from Radiation Sickness
Med. J. Aust. 14th August 1965, 9,3:199-203

The Place of Radiotherapy in the Management of Lung Cancer
J. Coll. Radiol. Aust. 1965, 9,3:199-203.

The Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations at very low dose rates
Aust. Dent. J. 1965, 10,1:38-40.

Radiation and Marrow Infusion in Leukaemia. A patient with CGL Treated with Whole Body Irradiation and Infusion of Isogenic Marrow.
Aust. Radiol. 1967, 11:63-66 (jointly with Woodlife, H.J et al.)

The Value of Chemotherapy in Ovarian Cancer
Aust. Radiol. 1971, 15,2:160-163

The Results of Treatment of Carcinoma of the Cervix in WA
Aust. Radiol. 1971, 15,2:164-176.

Chronic Granulocytic Leukaemia - Comparison of Uracil Mustard and Busulphan
Med. J. Aust. April 15 1972, 1:789-791 (Jointly with Woodliffe, et al).

The Detection of Breast Abnormalities by Thermography
Aust. Radiol. 1973, 17,4:453-463.

The Cure of Cancer: a Preliminary Hypothesis
Aust. Radiol. 1974, 18,1:15-17.

The Principles of Hyperbaric and Anoxic Radiotherapy
Brit. J. Radiol. 1975, 18:819-826

The Use of UHF Radiowaves in Cancer Therapy
Aust. Radiol. 1975, 19,3:223-241

Increase in X-ray Sensitivity of Cancer after Exposure to 434 MHz Electromagnetic Radiation
J.Bioeng. 1977, 1:479-485

The Problem of Clinical Hyperthermia
Aust. Radiol. 1977, 21:1-24 (Jointly with Nelson, A.J.M.).

Combined Microwave Therapy
Med. J. Aust. 1978, 2:88-90 (Jointly with Nelson A.J.M.).

Four Years Microwaves in Cancer Therapy
J. Belgian Radiol. 1979, 62:467-476 (Jointly with Nelson, A.J.M.).

The Cause of Cancer: Biochemical Defects in the Cancer Cell Demonstrated by the Effects of EMR Glucose & Oxygen.
Medical Hypotheses 1979,5:109-143.

The Extra Nuclear Control of Mitosis and Cell Function. A theory of Cellular Organisation.
Medical Hypotheses 1980, 6:145-192.

Microwave Adjuvant to Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy for Advanced Lymphoma.
Med. J. Aust. 1980, 1:311-313 and 1980, 2:3, 159-60 (Jointly with Nelson, A.J.M.).

Alternative Therapy for Recurrent Hodgkin's Disease
Brit. J. Radiol. 1980, 53:1061-1067.

Changing Epidemiology of Malignant Melanoma in Queensland
Med. J. Aust. 1980, 14th June 1:619-620 (letter).

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in acute trama.
Letter to the Annals of the R.C.S. of England. 1980. Vol. 62, No. 4

434 MHx as an Adjuvant in Cancer Therapy. In: Progree in Radio Oncology 11(K H Kaercher et al, eds)
Power Press, New York 1982, 425-433

Cancer, A Disease of Defective Glucose Metabolism. The Energy for Mitosis appears to come from a Glutathione Mediated Glycolysis.
Medical Hypotheses 1983, 10:133-150.

Combined Microwave Therapy
Med. J. Aust. 1985, 142:707-708 (Jointly with Nelson, A.J.M.).

The Fundamental Chemistry of Life
Medical Hypotheses 1986, 12:359-367.

The Synergism between Hyperthermia and Ionising Radiation
Br. J. Radiol. 1986, 59:795-796 (Jointly with Stanford, R.W.)

37 Patients with NH Lymphoma treated by Combined Microwaves and X-ray Therapy
Presented at the Int. Clin. Hyperthermia Symposium, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Ind. USA, May 1988.

Microwaves are not Hyperthermia
The Radiographer, 1988, 35,4:151-162

The Subtleties of Electro-Magnetic Radiation Therapy
Presented at the Int. Clin. Hyperthermia Symposium, Lyons, France, May 1992.

The Energy Source Creating Life and Cancer
Presented at the Int. Clin. Hyperthermia Symposium, Osaka, Japan, May 1994.

The Glutathione Cycle is the Creative Reaction of Life and Cancer. Cancer Causes Oncogenes and not Vice Versa.
Medical Hypotheses 1993, 40, 262-266

Some Characteristics of Glutathione Cycle Revealed by Ionising and Non-Ionising Electromagnetic Radiation.
Medical Hypotheses 1995, 45, 345-368.

Cancer Therapy by Immobolizing Mitotic Energy Sources
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1996, Vol 11, No. 2.

Cancer - A Theoretical Biochemical Basis: Confirmation by Electromagnetic Radiation
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 1997, Vol 12, No.3.

The Metabolism of Sulphur in realtion to the Biochemistry of Cystine and Cysteine: its Fundamental Importance in Biology. A Cyclic Interchange between their Mono- and Di-Sulphides in the Unique Reaction Creating Life and Intelligence
Medical Hypotheses 2001, 56(5), 658-676.

The Enigma of Cancer, parts I to IV
Newsletter of the Cancer Support Association of Western Australia, Vol 17, No. 1-4, Feb.-May 2002

The unique exponential growth of life is powered by anaerobic glycolysis
Journal of Molecular Liquids 114 (2004) 193-206

The Energy System Creating Life and Cancer from Inanimate Compounds
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 2004, Vol 19, No. 3, 141-161

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