Rife Crane Video
The Rife Research Lab
A film narrated by John Crane
After the San Diego "Rife Laboratory years", Royal Raymond Rife became affiliated with John Crane. While many have questioned the integrity of Crane, his motives, and this affiliation, most people agree that without this association, much of our present knowledge of Rife would have been lost. Even into the 1980s, John Crane maintained a close working relationship with a group in Texas, which included the manufacture and production of equipment. Film clips in Cranes possession were converted from film to video tape with a live narration by Crane in a Dallas studio on one of those early visits.
This is the original black & white film (made in 1939) of the Rife Research Laboratory that shows you Royal Raymond Rife and gives you a tour of his lab. It shows the kind of work they were doing at the time, the Universal microscope, the Rife therapy equipment and various ideas they had for implementing the technology.
This is the original black & white film (made in 1939) of the Rife Research Laboratory that shows you Royal Raymond Rife and gives you a tour of his lab. It shows the kind of work they were doing at the time, the Universal microscope, the Rife therapy equipment and various ideas they had for implementing the technology.
Confusion about when this film was made!
There has been some confusion as to when this film was made as some people have been wrongly claiming that it was filmed in 1936. However, a look into our historical records revealed that this film was actually made in 1939.
In a letter from Royal Rife to Dr. Gonin dated 14 May 1939, Rife states on page 2:
"The microscope has been ready for some weeks and is dismantled and ready to go into its respective cases. And the motion picture film is all finished, showing the complete method of the isolation of BX, directly from the human tumor, the inoculation of the experimental animal, the removal of the tumor surgically, and the recovery of the BX from the tumor. This film shows the complete interior of the laboratory, this method and technique of bacteriology and filterable virus, and for the first time ever shown the electrical frequencies and wave forms on motion picture film. These frequencies are from several types of electrical therapeutic apparati, and is concluded with frequencies and emanations from the much condemned Abram’s Apparatus, proving that there is actually an electrical emanation and true wave form coming from that device.”

Additionally Borderland Sciences, who refurbished this film in 1989, also state that this film originally dates from 1939.
I hope this clears up any confusion regarding when this film was made.