1939 Plasma Tube Photos
The photographs below show two views of the Nazarov phanotron running on the Beam Ray Machine

Inside the Beam Rays Machine
The picture below is of the output stage of the machine. The tank coil can be clearly seen on the right with the 812 output triode next to it. The output jacks are in the centre top. The HT transformer is at the back left with the two 866 mercury vapour rectifiers in front of it. Picture courtesy of Stuart Andrews.

The next photo is the underside of the output stage (note that some components on both stages had to be replaced with modern ones to get the machine working because the originals had deteriorated too much).

(c) Copyright Aubrey Scoon 2002-2009 - Mirror of information from www.scoon.co.uk
The opinions stated on this page are those of Aubrey Scoon (1960-2009). They do not necessarily reflect the opinions of anyone else assocaited with www.rife.de.